The Light of the World Is Jesus

The Light of the World is Jesus!

By Deanna S.

MC Midweek August 30, 2023


When I take time to pray, I often see God work for our good and His glory. And sometimes, even in my feeble attempts, His grace and His mercy shine through. I had traveled out of town to attend my aunt’s funeral, and my cousin (her daughter) was going to be at the funeral. She had been battling lymphoma that attacked her bones and caused them to break. As I laid my head on the pillow that night, I felt unworthy that I had not prayed for my cousin’s healing as often as I should have.

The only prayer I could breathe that night as I shut my eyes was, “God, send your healing light to Paula.” At that moment with my eyes closed, I could see a spinning circle of light with figures that looked like angels floating. Twice, I opened my eyes and confirmed complete darkness in the room and wondered where this light was coming from. Upon shutting my eyes again, I just chose to bask in God’s glorious vision of light, and then I knew that He had heard my prayer.

I was hesitant to share what I had seen with my cousin, but the Holy Spirit gave me the boldness to tell her that I believed that God had healed her.

On the way back home, I was in the car witnessing an angry storm. Suddenly, the heavens opened wide and sun rays came down on me from a huge circle of magnificent light. I could sense God’s presence and once again I was enthralled by His splendor of light. When I got home, I opened a card from a friend that had a picture of a smiling sun. I do not believe that was a coincidence. God finds many ways to confirm His loving intervention in our lives.

A few weeks later, I received the joyful news that my cousin was now cancer-free. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! That was six years ago. She still has a clean bill of health. A few months later, I realized that God’s Sonshine healed me, to, ...from a season of depression. What great love our Father lavishes on us! God is so willing to answer our prayers if we will take the time to ask.

I believe God desires us to invite Him to have free reign to work in our lives and the lives of others. It is my desire to step out in obedience and faith and to be a vessel that God can use. God’s light continues to illuminate us with His love, mercy, healing, grace, and salvation.